Ensuring the ultimate fan experience inside FirstEnergy Stadium takes a lot of planning and testing.

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Get Smart

4 Secrets for Eliminating Shelfware

Businesses can’t afford not to have a strategy for unloading software they don’t use.


High-Def to Go

The Dell Venue 11 Pro's near-field communication capabilities let users easily transfer content and wirelessly stream high-definition video to a second monitor.

Tech Tips

Crisis Hour

When every second matters, try these tactics to recover faster after a cyberattack compromises your data.

Security Save

Cybersecurity’s Generation Gap

As your office employees skew younger, revamp training efforts to help staff become cybersavvy.

Tech Tips

Ready to Install?

These five tips can keep updates for the new Microsoft OS from creating havoc in your users’ workday.


Eliminate VM Complexity

This admin-friendly virtualization platform advances IT productivity and is ideal for SMB, remote and branch offices.

IT Futurist

See It, Believe It

Visual recognition software and technologies will revamp the way companies think about and use search to drive business.



Virtualization Maestros

Three tech chiefs from SMBs share tips on using virtualization management and orchestration tools to improve ROI.


It’s Time to Get Ready for the Next-Gen Factory Floor

Augmented reality, 3D printing, Internet of Things and robotics will transform the manufacturing world.


Keep Calm

Disaster recovery planning and tools help ensure businesses don’t miss a beat when the data center goes down or a catastrophe strikes.


Get to Work?

Companies are integrating virtual reality into real offerings for their customers. Expect to see more uses as VR market grows rapidly.


Letter From the Editor

Evening the Score

Thanks to high-density Wi-Fi solutions at stadiums, more fans can enhance their game-day experience via streaming video, social networking and customized mobile apps.

Contributor Column

Connected Collaboration

Businesses should capitalize on mobile technology, enterprise file sharing and social tools to gain a competitive edge.

Contributor Column

Edging Toward True Productivity

Chatbots, voice-driven user interfaces and AI will let businesses derive true productivity from mobile devices in the workplace.