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Tech Tips

Find Your Keys

Encrypting sensitive data is a critical security step. Microsoft makes it easy, but managing bitlocker keys and where they are saved can be a challenge.


Lock Them Down

This cloud-based solution is an excellent choice for endpoint protection.


Time to Plan

After deploying stopgap technology solutions to muddle through the pandemic, nonprofits now have hard decisions to make, says NTEN CEO Amy Sample Ward.


Artificial intelligence is no longer callous.

Get Smart

Smooth Transition

These internal committees guide decisions about cloud governance and architecture and are becoming more popular among businesses of all sizes.

Security Save

Know What You Own

Knowing which tools are already available to you can speed the process of improving cybersecurity.

Tech Tips

See You Later, Passwords

Drop the symbols and numbers and find a new way to verify identity on the network.

IT Futurist

No More Lawyers?

Smart contracts execute automatically with no intermediary required. Lawyers beware.


This Upgrade Goes to 11

Extra security and easier modernization are part of the new Microsoft operating system.



Devices In Harmony

Unified endpoint management is gaining favor as the cloud-based solution of choice.


Analyze This

From local credit unions to multinational corporations, actionable data leads to happier clients.


Intelligent Design

One of the biggest advantages to shifting to the cloud is access to sophisticated AI and machine learning services.


Safe at Home

The Los Angeles Dodgers and Golden State Warriors are among those getting powerful performance and cost-effective flexibility from facility-housed infrastructure.


From the Editor

It’s All About the Data

From security to analytics and infrastructure, whenever a business deploys a tech upgrade, it’s modernizing the relationship with it most indispensable asset.

Contributor Column

The Pandemic Effect

As people become more accustomed to using technology to perform everyday tasks, they are less forgiving of poor experiences.