Aug 30 2021

CDW Tech Talk Considers How to Build and Protect Business Continuity

High-profile data breaches and ransomware attacks have many organizations re-examining their cyber defenses. Organizations need to protect their business operations as well as their infrastructure.

Recent ransomware attacks and security breaches have understandably brought cybersecurity to the forefront of many conversations. However, organizations shouldn’t focus solely on defending their infrastructure; data and business operations must be protected too.

Defending against cyberattacks is important, but it’s equally critical to develop a system that minimizes vulnerability and prepares your organization for recovery in the event of disaster.

We’ll be joined for this week’s CDW Tech Talk webcast by Joe Vidal, master technologist at Hewlett Packard Enterprise, who will discuss the benefits of having a business continuity strategy and what kind of measures companies can take to minimize downtime in the event of an attack.

We’ll also be joined by Ruben Chacon, vice president of technology and CISO at CDW, to talk about some of the data protection tools organizations can implement to mitigate risk.

REGISTER: To watch Tuesday’s session live at 1 p.m. Central time, register for the CDW Tech Talk series below.

Additional Tech Talk Highlights

The CDW Tech Talk series is a weekly webcast that covers a wide variety of IT topics demonstrating how businesses can reimagine the future of work and manage evolving infrastructures.

Most recently, we discussed how organizations can develop an infrastructure that delivers on the promise of the cloud while aligning IT investments with business objectives.

Other recent topics of discussion include safeguarding your organization’s data and securing your financial interests, using innovative technology such as augmented and virtual reality to build connections among workersbuilding resilient workspaces, wireless technologyworker flexibility, and employee workflows. Register for the series here, and follow BizTech’s full coverage of the event here.

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