Dec 13 2021

CDW Tech Talk Looks at Emerging Priorities for 2022

With a new year just around the corner, IT leaders should anticipate fresh and continuing challenges that may require an adjustment of priorities.

2021 is nearly behind us, and while many of the challenges we’ve faced this year aren’t going away, some of them will require different responses. As we head into a new year, it’s a good time for any organization to reconsider its IT priorities.

For this week’s CDW Tech Talk series webcast, we’ll be joined by CDW CTO Sanjay Sood and CDW Startup Strategist Teague Goddard, who will offer their insights on how organizations can adjust their approaches to workplace technology in the coming year.

As part of that conversation, Sood and Goddard will discuss how thinking of your employees as customers can help inform IT decision-making. They’ll also offer suggestions on how organizations can implement more agile frameworks and how to nurture growth by leveraging technology and strategic partnerships.

REGISTER: To watch Tuesday’s session live at 1 p.m. Central time, register for the CDW Tech Talk series below.

Additional Tech Talk Highlights

The CDW Tech Talk series is a weekly webcast that covers a wide variety of IT topics demonstrating how businesses can reimagine the future of work and manage evolving infrastructures.

Most recently, we reviewed some of the key IT trends from 2021, including the changes that accompany a move to hybrid work environments.

Other recent topics of discussion have included how to minimize complexity in your data environment; the importance of diversity and inclusion in a hybrid work environment; the value of a zero-trust security strategy; safeguarding your organization’s data and securing your financial interests; using innovative technology, such as augmented and virtual reality, to build connections among workersbuilding resilient workspaces; wireless technologyworker flexibility; and employee workflows. Register for the series here, and follow BizTech’s full coverage of the event here.

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