Jun 20 2017

Cisco Live 2017: Find Out How to Master an Increasingly Networked World

As more devices get connected, they produce more data than ever for analysis — and security threats. Cisco Systems’ confab in Las Vegas will focus on helping IT manage this transformation.

In an increasingly connected world, in which devices produce more data than ever, it’s easy to feel lost as an IT professional — that networks are both unsafe and unmanageable. After all, Gartner predicts that 8.4 billion connected things will be in use worldwide in 2017, up 31 percent from 2016. That figure is expected to reach 20.4 billion by 2020.

However, Cisco Systems wants to give IT professionals who use its product and services a better handle on today’s hypernetworked world. The networking giant plans to do just that at its Cisco Live conference in Las Vegas, which BizTech will cover from June 25–29.

The conference will kick off on Monday with an opening keynote by Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins, who will discuss Cisco technology innovations that are changing how the company designs and manages networks for those who want to undertake digital transformation journeys.

Throughout the week, there will be a series of keynote sessions on a variety of hot topics, including hybrid cloud, the role of automation and analytics in networking, changing collaboration technology, hyperconverged infrastructure, evolving security threats, 5G networks and much more. There will also be a number of smaller sessions designed to educate conference attendees on all of those topics, technology demonstrations at booths on the show floor in the World of Solutions and appearances by actor Brian Cranston and singer-songwriter Bruno Mars.

BizTech will be covering Cisco Live 2017 from the show floor and interviewing industry executives and experts on the latest trends in networking and IT, so keep this page bookmarked for stories and videos from the BizTech team. Follow us on Twitter at @BizTechMagazine or the official conference Twitter account @CiscoLive, and join the conversation using hashtag #CLUS.


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