Aug 24 2016

Help Your Nonprofit Take Advantage of Retail Tech’s Best Practices [#Infographic]

Mobile point of sale terminals and beacons can increase engagement and lead to revenue-generating opportunities.

Nonprofit organizations are always looking for new ways to engage with their supporters and solicit donations. To be as effective as possible, nonprofits need to embrace 21st century realities and meet their potential supporters wherever they are. To do so, these organizations can look to some of the emerging technologies taking hold in the retail market.

A cost-effective technology that nonprofits can take advantage of is mobile point-of-sale terminals, which can be used to process payments on the street, at events or in numerous locations. The number of mPOS devices is expected to increase 400 percent to 54 million units globally by 2019, according to IT research and advisory company 451 Research. There are about 13 million devices in the market today.

Nonprofits can also use beacon technology to deliver personalized messages to prospective supporters’ mobile devices, making it more likely that they’ll open their wallets.

Take a look at the infographic below to see how nonprofits can use retail technology to engage with their supporters.

Learn more about how CDW Nonprofit can help you achieve your goals with mission-focused IT solutions, services and support. And download this white paper to learn how the right technology can help your organization improve retail operations and customer engagement.


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