Joe Belfiore, Corporate Vice President of Operating Systems Group at Microsoft, presents the new version of Windows at the company's press event.

Oct 08 2014

Windows 10 Is Microsoft’s Big Step into the Internet of Things

The software giant wants to use data to connect and communicate on any device, at any time.

Windows 8 was all about Microsoft attempting to fit mobility into the Windows experience. But Windows 10, the company’s newest version of its market-leading operating system, is a Swiss Army knife of an OS that attempts to right the user-interface wrongs of Windows 8 and strategically set Windows up for the Internet of Things IT future.

While speaking at the Gartner Symposium ITxpo, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella touched on the IoT play that’s embedded in Windows 10, reports ZDNet.

“The Internet of Things end points will need an operating system that's manageable and secure,” he said. “I feel Windows will be a fantastic operating system to run on the edge.”

Speaking to the broad landscape of devices that Windows 10 will run on, Terry Myerson, Microsoft executive vice president of operating systems, explained the adaptable nature of the new OS, according to a report from Wired.

“Some of these devices have four-inch screens. Some of these devices have 80-inch screens. Some don’t have any screen at all,” he said. “Some you hold in your hand. Some you sit 10 feet away from and use with a controller or gestures. Some include a touchpad, some a mouse and keyboard. Some switch between input devices.”

Microsoft is already doing some sensor-based IoT work, as evidenced by its involvement with a high-tech project with ThyssenKrupp Elevator. Here’s an overview of the project as a refresher:

ThyssenKrupp wanted to gain a competitive edge by focusing on what matters most to its customers in buildings the world over: reliability. Drawing on the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) by connecting its elevators to the cloud, gathering data from its sensors and systems and transforming that data into valuable business intelligence, ThyssenKrupp is vastly improving operations.

Essentially, it’s a smart elevator that helps technicians and property managers troubleshoot issues before they become issues. If Windows 10 delivers on its IoT promise, we can expect to see a lot more ThyssenKrupp-style connected solutions in the future.


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