
Apr 02 2012

Office 365 Links Microsoft Project and Outlook for Better Collaboration

Project managers can leverage the integration between Microsoft’s products to get more done.

Microsoft’s Office suite has been the standard bearer in office productivity for nearly two decades. Its cloud-based version of the suite, Microsoft Office 365, improves upon the software’s legacy by allowing for seamless integration between Microsoft products.

Project management can benefit greatly from an Office 365 deployment. With firm hooks into SharePoint and Outlook, Office 365 lets users create and share information with ease. But what about integration with Microsoft’s project management software, Microsoft Project?

Pamela Flora writes in CMS Wire about linking Outlook calendars with Project calendars through Office 365.

Once you’ve created a project site using SharePoint online, use the Microsoft tools found in Office 365 to make project information available to your team. One of the most commonly used features for project teams is the Outlook calendar. Link the calendar on your project site to your Outlook calendar. All team members should have access to this project calendar, and it will appear as a separate calendar on each team member’s Outlook client.

To see this in action, watch this official how-to video on linking Outlook with Microsoft Project through Office 365.



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