Jun 26 2018

Create Security in Your Cloud Environment

An organization's responsibility for security in a cloud-based environment varies depending on the infrastructure used for the cloud. Software as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service create different challenges for an organization dedicated to keeping IT secure. At the CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT, Sandra Blettner, principal, cloud client services for CDW, discussed organizations' roles in creating a secure cloud environment. Visit our CDW Upgrading and Preparing for the Future SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

>>Download CDW's Modern IT Infrastructure Insight Report to learn more about how organizations are utilizing and benefitting from a hybrid IT approach.


    • Sandra Blettner, Principal, Cloud Client Services, CDW

Video Highlights

  • When it comes to security, organizations must be clear on what their responsibilities are, and what their cloud providers are responsible for.
  • SaaS and IaaS create different levels of responsibility for an organization; cloud providers have most of the responsibility in a SaaS environment, while the user has more in the IaaS model.
  • Organizations may need to take stock of users' skill sets in a new, hybrid environment and may need to seek out the services of consultants to guide them on their way.