Feb 03 2025

How to Overcome 3 Key Azure Challenges

Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of your Azure environment.

Microsoft Azure continues to be a cloud powerhouse, offering a comprehensive platform and suite of tools designed to help drive innovation and growth. Understanding and deploying the right solutions to effectively manage its complexities, security upkeep and cost optimization, however, is another story.

Azure offers unparalleled opportunities for businesses, but it also presents some hurdles. Here’s how to leap over them.

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1. Optimizing for Costs on Azure

Do you find that your costs could be better managed to cut unmonitored resource use and inefficiencies? Does accurately predicting and managing your cloud expenditures seem impossible, especially when scaling resources?

Aligning your cloud expenditure with your strategic goals is key to helping you avoid unnecessary costs and optimizing your budget. A robust, cloud-native cost management platform such as CDW’s Inscape, which delivers real-time insights into your cloud expenditures, can help you monitor your Azure usage to identify cost-saving opportunities and prevent overspending.

RELATED: A few tips to help manage your Azure cloud environment. 

2. Overcome the Cloud Talent Gap

Does keeping your team updated with the latest Azure advancements feel like a continuous effort that requires significant time and resources? Is it difficult to find the right expertise you can trust on budget?

Finding and maintaining skilled cloud professionals is a significant challenge for many organizations. A 2024 HashiCorp survey revealed that 64% of organizations still lack the staff expertise they need to support their cloud infrastructure strategy comprehensively. 

This is why many organizations choose an experienced partner that can provide a dedicated team of Azure-certified cloud experts to create a cohesive strategy that eliminates operational silos, enhances efficiency and allows your IT team to focus on their core functions without getting bogged down by technical hurdles.

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3. Surmounting Cloud Security Hurdles

Are you worried about safeguarding sensitive information from breaches and unauthorized access? Are you finding it complex to meet industry-specific compliance standards and regulations? Are you concerned about the potential loss of intellectual property due to vulnerabilities in AI systems?

Security is always a priority in the cloud. With the increasing sophistication of cyberthreats, ensuring robust security protocols and compliance across the cloud environment becomes paramount. Businesses often face difficulties in identifying vulnerabilities and establishing the necessary security measures to protect sensitive data and applications.

Your expert partner can provide much relief for these pain points. A comprehensive managed services engagement for Azure should include robust security features such as advanced threat detection, real-time monitoring and incident response to ensure your environment remains secure. 

UP NEXT: Five ways to get the most out of a cloud assessment.

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