Apr 22 2024

3 Ways Device Configuration Services Benefit Businesses

Here’s how to ensure that every employee gets a properly provisioned device, right out of the box.

The days of crippling supply chain issues and urgent overnight rollouts of remote work programs are behind us, but the challenges of rolling out new devices to employees continue for many organizations. As distributed workforces become more common, businesses increasingly require assistance with tasks such as imaging, asset tagging, data collection, testing and shipping to end users.

Here are three ways that device configuration and deployment services deliver advantages to organizations of all sizes.

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1. Make Life Easier for IT Staffers

Configuring and testing hardware takes time and can cause delays in getting devices into users’ hands. Due to the rise of remote work, more organizations are leveraging device management tools to help them secure and manage their assets. An enrollment management service can simplify things by enrolling new devices in management portals and verifying that the correct profiles are provisioned on the devices. That takes the burden off internal IT staffers while ensuring that the organization’s data is secure from the moment devices are taken out of the box.

2. Secure Data on Devices Before Users Touch Them

Configuration solutions help organizations reduce risk and optimize the technology experience for their employees and customers. Besides configuring computers, printers, servers and network components for optimal performance, the right configuration services should also ensure that your data, files and resources are backed up, properly stored and available for recovery should you ever discover a problem that requires immediate action. A well-run service has IT professionals handling the configuration; they can set the backups to run in the background while leaving you and your team to manage other vital parts of the job and focus on strategic initiatives. 

EXPLORE: Why tech must cater to the diverse working styles in an organization.

3. Get Customized and Tested Device Bundles

It’s challenging enough when an organization needs to ship large numbers of properly provisioned laptops and other devices to end users. Sometimes, though, needs can be more complex. I recently worked with a healthcare organization that wanted to create a new medical cart setup with PCs, monitors, mice and peripheral devices. Clinical and technology leaders at the organization knew what they wanted the carts to do, but they weren’t sure how to integrate all of the disparate tools in a way that would offer the functionality that they were looking for.

This is where the right configuration and deployment service can really shine, helping organizations such as this build out solutions to their desired specifications and test the technology in their own facilities, ensuring that everything works correctly before anything is shipped out and provisioning all devices so that employees can start using them immediately.

UP NEXT: The tools businesses use to manage multiple workloads.

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