ServiceNow's Knowledge 2022 conference took place May 11 and 12 at New York's Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. 

May 20 2022
Digital Workspace

Knowledge 2022: How Can Businesses Prepare Now for the Future of Work?

Create a great user experience with simplified, efficient workflows in your organization, and discover other key takeaways from ServiceNow’s New York event.

The desire to build a great experience should span every industry and level of the organization. When it does, businesses can break down silos, retain great talent and grow their customer bases.

Presenters at Knowledge 2022 talked about the various ways digital workflows help executives and employees create better experiences. ServiceNow executives and leaders from myriad organizations came together May 11 and 12 in New York City for the conference.

Here are a few key takeaways from the event.

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Communicate Efficiently Across Teams in the Digital Space

Digital workflows make it easier for employees to communicate and collaborate. To prepare for the future of work, organizations should ensure they have a method through which employees and customers can reach the necessary parties within the company.

In their session “The Future of Work Is Already Here: Rethinking the Employee Experience,” ServiceNow’s Jacqui Canney, the company’s chief people officer, and Dave Wright, its chief innovation officer, talked about the ways these workflows build trust between employees and their managers. Visual deadlines and status reports allow managers to see that employees are on track without uncomfortable oversight.

This isn’t the only area where improved communication is needed in today’s hybrid work environment. Participants in a roundtable discussion shared the ways in which collaboration is necessary between IT and marketing teams. When these teams are on the same page about customer needs, they can create better solutions to meet these needs, attendees said.

Deepak Kolingivadi, ServiceNow’s senior director of project management, shared how IT and security teams can work together to optimize cybersecurity measures. In a session titled “Security Operations: What’s New and Product Roadmap,” he said that successfully defending against cyberattacks transcends organizational boundaries.

LEARN MORE: How should cybersecurity leaders report on their progress?

Customize Workflows to Meet Employee and Customer Needs

Presenters also talked about the power of hyperautomation and low-code digital workflows. These tools make it easy for organizations to build great user experiences.

Every industry wants the ability to meet the needs of its customers quickly and efficiently, Wright shared after his keynote address Wednesday. Low-code products allow IT admins to manipulate programs to meet their organizations’ specific requirements.

CDW’s John Manna, senior manager of ServiceNow solutions, and Greg Wheeler, practice manager of SPM solutions, presented the ways they better met customers’ needs with a customized platform. The company used data to more quickly understand how to best provide services for its customers and where its employees could be the most impactful.

MORE ON BIZTECH: How can innovative tech help drive business outcomes?

In the end, the goal of digital transformation should always be an effective user experience. As Wright noted Wednesday, no one talks about the car when lauding Tesla; they talk about the features. They opt in for the experience.

Photo by Rebecca Torchia

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