ServiceNow Senior Director of Product Management Deepak Kolingivadi speaks at Knowledge 2022.

May 12 2022

Knowledge 2022: Collaboration and Visibility Drive Smarter Security Operations

ServiceNow Senior Director of Product Management Deepak Kolingivadi shared how digital workflows can improve organizations’ cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity is constantly evolving. At ServiceNow’s Knowledge 2022 conference in New York City, Deepak Kolingivadi, the company’s senior director of product management, spoke Thursday about cybersecurity challenges and solutions in a session titled “Security Roadmap: What’s New and Product Roadmap.”

“The threat landscape today is riddled with many, many attacks,” he said. “But seeing these threats alone is not enough. You need to have the ability to use workflows to swiftly respond to these threats.”

Attendees, who outnumbered available seats in the space, listened intently to the session, took notes and captured photographs of the visual presentation. Kolingivadi spoke about two key elements of cybersecurity: collaboration and visibility.

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Security Posture Improves with Collaboration Between Teams

Preventing and responding to cyberthreats requires that security and IT teams work together, Kolingivadi said. Managing attacks with efficiency must transcend organizational boundaries.

But improving this collaboration in order to successfully defend against attacks comes with challenges for organizations.

“Your IT teams, who have a backlog of patches to be deployed, are flying blind because they don’t know which vulnerabilities to patch first,” Kolingivadi said in the crowded theater space. “They’re using manual remediation procedures to fix problems.”

Meanwhile, he pointed out, the security team is overwhelmed with security alerts from different products and may lack the business context to prioritize these alerts.

“The ability for security and IT to share actions and workflows becomes key to manage the attacks and respond to threats,” Kolingivadi said.

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Digital Workflows Help Organizations Manage Incidents and Responses

For major security incident management, the ServiceNow team developed a virtual command center for collaborative response that allows teams to work together in a single online location with task management and automated status reporting. Tasks are shown on a dashboard for visibility across the organization.

“You know who’s working on what, and stakeholders get the right information while you’re still focused on resolving the threat,” Kolingivadi said.

The command center also features collaborative workspaces for IT and vulnerability managers that highlight IT-centric tasks and allow teams to visualize data on vulnerabilities.

Deepak Kolingivadi at Knowledge 2022

Deepak Kolingivadi, ServiceNow’s senior director of product management, shows an example of a collaborative digital workspace at Knowledge 2022.

Meanwhile, data loss prevention (DLP) products deliver automated remediation to improve incident response efficiencies.

Visual elements are key in ServiceNow’s new developments to allow teams to work seamlessly together and prioritize top security concerns.

“We give you one unified view to look at all of the alerts and respond to them,” Kolingivadi said. “It’s not just for your DLP operations team but it also involves your end users and their managers.”

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Photo by Rebecca Torchia

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