Apr 01 2016

What Small Businesses Want from Managed Services [#Infographic]

Small businesses seek the time- and money-saving benefits that come from outsourcing IT.

Small businesses have long been at a disadvantage.

Lacking the financial resources that give large enterprises the option to manage IT services in-house — all while keeping up to date on the latest technologies — SMBs have to learn to do more with less. As a result, overburdened IT staff keep the lights on but are unable to pursue the operational efficiencies and cost savings that any small business needs to thrive.

Managed services have begun to change all that. As businesses begin to hand off IT services to trusted technology partners, they’re freeing up more time for in-house professionals to think strategically about IT.

On top of that, because vendors provide access to the newest, most advanced technologies, SMBs can finally hope to see the ROI gains and improved operations reliability they crave.

Check out the CDW infographic below, and then learn more about essential technology trends for small businesses by reading Small Businesses Must Heed Cloud, Security, Mobility and IT Services Trends in 2016.

Darryl Sebro

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