Sep 22 2015

Know a Good Business IT Blog? Add It to Our List

We're looking for the blogs that you read regularly for insights, inspiration and information on all things business and IT.

Blogs have undergone quite the transformation in our personal and professional lives. They were once relegated to the domain of online diaries, but now they have become a powerful and reliable platform for opinion, information and education.

Each year, we call on the business IT community to help us build out our annual list of Must-Read IT Blogs. We're talking about the blogs that offer key insights and valuable information. It can apply narrowly, to a specific industry within business IT, or broadly, to an entire role within like the CIO. It can also be incredibly technical; several of the blogs we've honored in the past feature bits of coding regularly in the body of their posts.

We're excited to once again embark on the journey of building a handy and valuable resource for the business IT community, but as always: We need your help. In order to help us build the list, we rely on suggestions and recommendations from our readers. We're using, a social media tool for submitting and curating lists, to help us with this process.

In order to add a blog to the list, you must authenticate with either a Twitter or Facebook login. This will let us know that you're a real person and help cut down on spamming. And if you see a blog that you like on the list, feel free to vote them up. Please note that while the voting might weigh in favor of a blog's inclusion on the final list, it is not guaranteed and the ultimate decision on the final 50 blogs rests with the editorial team.

Here are the nominees we've gathered so far. Please add to the list and spread the word that we're on the lookout for great business IT blogs.


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