Apr 15 2019

25 Nonprofit IT Influencers Worth a Follow in 2019

From podcasters to Twitter personalities, these influencers from across the web bring the nonprofit technology conversation and community right to your fingertips.

Nonprofits everywhere have one thing in common: They have important missions to fulfill. And with much to accomplish and, often, few resources with which to do it, they can’t afford to let technology — or lack thereof — get in the way.

But for those looking for ways to best introduce, use and modify technology in order to further their reach and fundraising efforts, it can be more than difficult to know where to start, especially in a world where technology updates and consumer expectations are moving at breakneck speeds. It’s more than a lot to keep up with, particularly for nonprofit IT professionals with shoestring resources.

To help keep IT professionals in the loop and connect them to the advice and resources they need, we sifted out the best nonprofit IT voices the web has to offer. Just as technology is changing, so are the ways that experts choose to spread their knowledge, so we’ve evolved our traditional Must-Read IT Blogger List into an “influencer list” that covers not just bloggers, but also Twitter personalities, podcasts, radio shows, LinkedIn warriors and those who use all manner of social channels.

So, without further ado, here is our list of 25 nonprofit IT influencers, whose entries we hope will be enlightening and amusing. And if you’re on the list, spread the news and grab our IT influencer cover image for your Twitter page!

Beth Kanter
Beth Kanter

Perhaps the undisputed leader of the nonprofit tech community, Beth Kanter leads the conversation in a variety of ways. On her Twitter, blog and LinkedIn, she provides practical advice for nonprofit IT leaders and tech insights on both foundational and emerging tech.

Julia Campbell
Julia Campbell

As a major player in the nonprofit space, Julia Campbell, founder of her own nonprofit marketing company, frequently uses her blog, #501SocialBlog, plus LinkedIn and Twitter to tout the ways that technology and digital tools can improve nonprofit marketing and fundraising efforts.


With more than 50,000 community members, NTEN, the organization behind the Nonprofit Technology Conference, aims to help “nonprofit professionals learn about and celebrate the ways technology helps them meet their missions.” Its blog offers expert advice on all things nonprofit tech, such as social media, virtual training and data.

John Kenyon
John Kenyon

John Kenyon, a nonprofit technology educator and strategist, has been working with nonprofits for more than 25 years. Kenyon brings a distinct voice to the world of nonprofit technology. Check out his blog for info on disaster recovery planning, data cleaning and much, much more, and follow him on Twitter to stay in the know on all the latest nonprofit IT trends.

Nonprofit Tech for Good
Nonprofit Tech for Good

Looking for the best tools, practices and tips to take fundraising to the next level? Look no further than Nonprofit Tech for Good, a blog that offers practical advice on the best nonprofit tech out there and doesn’t shy away from the latest trends.

The Impact Podcast
The Impact Podcast

Led by Neetal Parekh, founder and CEO of Innov8social, The Impact Podcast covers how nonprofits are using technology in their everyday work to further their reach and missions. Keep up with the conversation between episodes with Innov8social’s helpful Twitter feed.

Andrew Urban
Andrew Urban

As vice president of nonprofit Austin Anthem and senior director of market development at the Zuri Group, a professional services company supporting nonprofit organizations, Urban identifies himself as a "nonprofit tech guy" and offers his advice on nonprofit IT — gained through firsthand experience — to his Twitter followers.

Stanford Social Innovation Review
Stanford Social Innovation Review

There’s hardly an industry out there in which Stanford University hasn’t made a name for itself, and nonprofit technology is no different. Featuring a widely read blog and popular podcast, the Stanford Social Innovation Review covers how tech, among other things, can inspire and further social change.

Microsoft On the Issues
Microsoft On the Issues

A great place to pull inspiration, this blog from tech giant Microsoft highlights the ways the company and its technologies are furthering philanthropic initiatives across the globe.

Alnisa Allgood
Alnisa Allgood

As the founder and executive director of Nonprofit Tech, Alnisa is a self-proclaimed “speaker and enthusiast on nonprofits, technology, web design and social media,” Alnisa’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts are chock-full of practical technology advice and strategies for nonprofits.

Citizen IBM
Citizen IBM

Tapping the same approach that the company uses in business, IBM focuses on “applied technology, continuous transformation and sustainable change” in its corporate citizenship blog. Citizen IBM covers the company’s efforts to “assist communities around the world” with tech as the driver.

Technology for Good
Technology for Good

Voices from the telecom giant Ericsson take to this blog to explore technology trends, such as emerging 5G networks, automation and cybersecurity, and offer advice on what these could mean for nonprofit missions across the globe.

Will Schmidt
Will Schmidt

As a regular writer about nonprofits and technology, Will has a Twitter feed that is enough to keep any nonprofit IT geek in the know. Check out his musings on being data-driven, approaching modernization, and putting technology to work for marketing efforts.


Churches these days are much more than steeples and stained-glass windows. Modern churches should be looking to tap technology to better connect with and cater to their congregations. For churches that want to learn more about livestreaming, smart speakers, mobility and more, ChurchTechToday’s Twitter, blog and Facebook pages offer in-depth advice and answers to unique challenges.

Tech Soup
Tech Soup

Looking for a source for nonprofit IT that incorporates, well, just about everything? Look no further than Tech Soup: This blog and Twitter feed offer how-tos and advice on just about every aspect of nonprofit IT, from cloud to artificial intelligence.

Tony Martignetti
Tony Martignetti

A true standout in the nonprofit world, Tony Martignetti is the creator and host of Nonprofit Radio. Alongside tech, he also talks data, talent sourcing and all things nonprofit, both on his show and via his Twitter feed.

Yesenia Sotelo
Yesenia Sotelo

Self-proclaimed “nonprofit nerd” Yesenia Sotelo is a prominent voice in the nonprofit community and has tapped Twitter to preach the ways of tech in nonprofit success.

Ash Shepherd
Ash Shepherd

As the chief program officer for nonprofit tech organization NTEN, Ash Shepherd’s Twitter feed is packed full of ways that technology can make the lives and missions of those in the nonprofit trenches easier. He also frequently offers shortcuts and hot tips that will warm the heart of any efficiency geek.

Creating IT Futures
Creating IT Futures

From the minds at IT industry association CompTIA, Creating IT Futures focuses largely on the work of its namesake foundation, which seeks to train and prepare future IT professionals — particularly veterans and low-income students — to be effective changemakers.

Jason King, Nonprofit Techie
Jason King, Nonprofit Techie

As the coordinator for NTEN’s Nonprofit WordPress Community and a certified Google Ad Grants professional and Google Partner, Jason King’s Twitter is more than worth a follow. King is at the center of the nonprofit tech community and is a central part of the conversation, no matter where it’s happening.

re: charity.
re: charity

For nuts-and-bolts advice about everyday nonprofit tech, such as software and websites, check out re: charity, launched by nonprofit professional Brady Josephson.

The Wild Apricot
The Wild Apricot

This blog from Wild Apricot, a provider of web-based software that helps small associations and nonprofits manage membership, websites, events and other activities, focuses on helping organizations stretch their resources. If you're looking to make the most of their software and systems, definitely stop by this blog.

NonProfit PRO
NonProfit PRO

Looking for a reason to tap artificial intelligence? Want to learn more about predictive analytics, or even just Google Analytics? NonProfit PRO’s blog, which features expert writers from across the nonprofit space, has everything you’re looking for — plus a few things you haven’t thought of yet.

Equals Change Blog
Equals Change Blog

Run by the Ford Foundation, an organization that aims to further social justice, this blog focuses on how the foundation achieves its goals, with tech as a core tenet on more than a few projects.

The NonProfit Times
The NonProfit Times

If you’re looking for a way to get all the news from the nonprofit sector without getting newsprint on your fingers, check out The NonProfit Times. Posts on the cloud, social media, data and more mix with front-page nonprofit news on this blog.


Learn from Your Peers

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