Jan 12 2015

The Easy, Pain-Free Software Licensing Dream Is Within Reach [#Infographic]

By leveraging a unified, outsourced software licensing service, companies can save time and money.

Keeping up with software can be a resource-draining, time-consuming and dreadful exercise. But companies really don't have a choice in the matter. If a software audit comes knocking, organizations must respond.

CDW has put together an infographic to highlight how its software licensing service can free IT professionals from the burden of managing licenses across scattered spreadsheets on various machines. According to data gathered by CDW, companies that used an IT asset management were audited 32 percent less than those who did not. And by using CDW's software licensing services, organizations can ensure that their level of software licensing is right-sized.

Check out the full infographic from CDW below to learn more.


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