Dec 18 2014

CDW's Stephen Braat Explains How to Put Your Business on the Path to Cloud Success

The cloud has the power to transform, optimize and scale your IT operations in ways you couldn’t imagine.

When it comes to explaining the value and the benefit of moving your company’s IT infrastructure to the cloud, sometimes it’s best to let the numbers do the talking.

“Our customers anticipate, having deployed cloud services, that over a four-year span, they will save 25 percent in run-rate expense of their IT shop. Those very same customers are reporting a 17 percent cost savings in the first year,” said CDW VP for Cloud and Managed Solutions Stephen Braat.

Braat was one of several IT leaders who gathered to discuss the most important and needle-moving technology challenges facing businesses today, as part of CDW’s Bring IT On technology leadership series.

While Braat is bullish about the cloud’s ability to provide savings, he’s equally passionate about the cloud being thought of as an investment from all levels and aspects of the business.

“Cloud computing is adaptable to your needs. It hinges on a single question, and that's how to optimize your workloads. Approach it with a well-qualified business case. Approach it with the right people. Approach it with management in mind,” he said.

Watch more of Braat’s Bring IT On talk below.


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