
May 23 2013

KiSSFLOW Uses New Quick Actions to Make Gmail More Productive

Now the inbox can do more than just reply to messages.

With more than 425 million users under its belt, Gmail is a 100-pound gorilla in the world of email.

But many people think of a Gmail first as a consumer tool, rather than an application that businesses can leverage.

KiSSFLOW, an enterprise workflow application for Google Apps, helps make the case for Gmail in the enterprise.

“The enterprise is going through massive consumerization. People want the same ease of use and simplicity that they experience in their personal tools, like the iPhone and Gmail, at work too,” says Suresh Sambandam, founder and CEO of Orangescape, which makes the KiSSFLOW app.

At Google I/O, the company’s annual developer conference, Google announced its new quick action functionality for Gmail. Instead of merely replying to email, users can now take immediate actions, like RSVPing to an invitation or approving a report, with the click of a button.

KiSSFLOW, one of the top apps in the Google Enterprise Marketplace, is among the early adopters of the new functionality and the app’s developers believe the quick action integration is a significant shift in improving the productivity of email.

Orangescape, a longtime Google partner, immediately saw the value of the quick-action buttons and quickly integrated the new capabilities into its KiSSFLOW app in two weeks, says Sambandam.

“This is the most natural and intuitive way of doing workflow approvals,” said Dinesh Varadharajan, head of KiSSFLOW at OrangeScape, in a press release. “The value is so obvious for everyday employees and also for top executives who are often challenged with a significant number of business approvals on daily basis.”

Beyond approving expense reports for confirming flight bookings, quick-action functionality could make notification emails from social media more useful as well.

“LinkedIn sends email notifications every time someone makes a connection requests and there is an ‘Accept’ button that goes out in the email. What if that ‘Accept’ button was a quick action button?” says Sambandam. “It would take you a fraction of a second to confirm the request.”

As we know, in the world of technology, every millisecond counts.


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