Lawyers Turn to Tech to Power Virtual Law Firms [Infographic]
Everyone talks a lot about the consumerization of IT and how it’s forcing the enterprise to adapt more personal, mobile ways of productivity and communication. But lawyers have been doing their jobs in a similar fashion for years. They either visit clients in person or clients come to the law office. And after meeting with clients, mountains of paperwork are produced and invoices are sent out.
But the legal-services industry is going through ch-ch-changes.
First, while some law schools have grown increasingly popular and produced a growing number of graduates, there hasn’t been an increase in job openings for these new grads. So finding professional work as a lawyer is increasingly challenging.
Second, the competition has changed. No longer are lawyers competing with just other law firms. They’re now competing with international law firms, virtual law firms and legal services that have been outsourced by web companies such as Legal Zoom.
TelAssistant, a telephone answering services company, produced an infographic that pulls together some of the data on the future of lawyers. In order to compete with globalization and technology, future lawyers will need to be versed in social media, online marketing, mobile technology, cloud computing and remote access. Lawyers, are you ready to be disrupted?
Check out the full infographic from TelAssistant, below.