
Jul 06 2012

There's a Thin Line Between Data Love and Hate [Infographic]

Big data inspires fear and loathing in some, while others love and admire their big data.

Ask people what they fear the most and you might hear a few typical responses. Heights, for example, or spiders. But how about big data?

Big data, like cloud computing, is one of the hottest buzzwords in IT. The general concept revolves around the notion of data sets that are so large that they're unmanageable without the aid of some kind of business intelligence software or data analytics tool. Big data also speaks to the fact that society is generating more data than ever.

SAP commissioned a survey on data and found that most people fall into one of two camps: data lovers or data haters.

Users' feeling toward data depended on a variety of factors, including the person's country of residence, job function, industry and more.

Check out the full infographic from SAP, below.


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