May 21 2012
Data Center

Seen and Heard at EMC World 2012 — Day 1

EMC CEO Joe Tucci delivers a cloud-focused keynote, ushering in the cloud era.

EMC World 2012 Joe Tucci Keynote
Joe Tucci speaks at the 2012 EMC World keynote.
Photo: EMC Marketing/Whitney Mullen

In front of 15,000 attendees — the biggest audience ever in the history of EMC World — EMC CEO Joe Tucci officially welcomed everyone to the cloud era at EMC World 2012.

This year's EMC World is focused on the transformational effects of cloud computing and in Tucci's mind, the argument over public or private clouds is pointless. Hybrid cloud environments are most certainly the way of the future and they'll become the most pervasive form of enterprise cloud computing, he said.

"We firmly believe, deeply believe, that there will be 100,000s of private clouds and thousands of big companies, new companies, will stand up public clouds. So it's a world of both," Tucci said.

In addition to the rousing speeches, EMC unveiled a whopping 42 products during its Mega Launch II. Chuck Hollis, an EMC CTO, highlights the product launches in more detail on his blog.

We scoured the tweets to find more news, fun facts and images from EMC World. Take a look at what we found.

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