Aug 15 2018

Evolving Attacks Put a Major Strain on the Cybersecurity Workforce

The IT security workforce needs a boost. The growing number and sophistication of threats require more security professionals and greater skills. At the CDW Managing Risk SummIT in Boston, we spoke with Ed Cabrera, chief cybersecurity officer for Trend Micro, about how the IT industry can meet the demands of this daunting challenge. Visit our CDW Managing Risk SummIT landing page to view more articles and videos from the event.

>>Download CDW's Cybersecurity Insight Report to learn more about how organizations are managing risk in more effective ways.


    Ed Cabrera, Chief Cybersecurity Officer, Trend Micro

Video Highlights

  • Organizations in need of security talent should look to institutions such as community colleges and universities. 
  • The threat landscape changes daily, and security professionals must hone their skills to keep pace.
  • Automation is a critical technology to help remove some of the burden from security professionals.