Nov 06 2024

3 Ways IoT Devices Can Enable More Sustainable Energy Systems

With real-time monitoring, the Internet of Things is creating more resilient power grids.

Federal sustainability initiatives have forced energy and utility companies to make energy systems greener while meeting a growing demand for power. Thankfully, Internet of Things devices are helping IT leaders reduce their energy usage.

With real-time monitoring, predictive analytics and  integration with distributed energy resources, IoT devices are creating more sustainable energy systems. Here’s the rundown:

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1. Real-Time Monitoring by IoT Devices Increases Renewable Energy

The path to sustainability starts with visibility. But IT decision-makers cannot use what they can’t see. Luckily, IoT devices create that transparency through real-time monitoring of power usage. This granular insight helps teams make more renewable choices.

“Sensors embedded throughout the network, including smart meters, automated control systems, and advanced monitoring tools, can provide real-time data on energy flow, equipment health, and grid stability. … These technologies can be pivotal in making the grid more adaptive and responsive to changing energy patterns, especially with the influx of renewable energy,” according to Deloitte Research.

By monitoring patterns, these connected devices can maximize renewable energy. For example, IoT sensors connected to solar farms can monitor sunlight intensity and output, so teams know how much energy is available for distribution. This data helps E&U companies forecast production and adjust power flows so that renewable energy is prioritized.

With IoT-enabled systems, energy managers can even monitor the carbon intensity of energy production in real time. During periods of high renewable generation, for instance, the system can automatically reduce the use of power generated by fossil fuels.

RELATED: Create better outcomes in energy with IoT devices.

2. IoT-Powered Predictive Analytics Increase Operational Efficiency

IoT-powered predictive analytics also help E&U companies streamline their operations. Connected devices placed throughout the grid automatically identify inefficiencies such as malfunctioning equipment, energy loss or lagging usage. Armed with this real-time data, IT leaders can manage energy distribution more precisely.

With IoT devices, teams can also schedule routine maintenance and forecast potential failures to avoid unexpected downtimes and breakdowns.  

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3. IoT Devices Can Function on Decentralized Energy Systems

IoT devices also make possible the transition from centralized power to decentralized systems. These distributed energy resources — such as wind turbines, solar panels and combined heat and power — are more sustainable because they shorten the distance for energy transmission and minimize energy losses.

However, teams that opt for distributed grids should take extra efforts to stay secure. “With its far-flung arrays of devices, sensors, and data streams, IoT can potentially open security vulnerabilities. Keeping it protected and simple to monitor is essential, especially considering that mission-critical systems like energy, manufacturing, and water can be high-profile targets,” writes Kevin Delaney in a recent Cisco blog.

For Muhammad Qazafi, a security architect for Amazon Web Services, “leveraging AWS IoT’s robust security features can help mitigate these risks so that organizations in the renewable energy industry can safeguard their valuable data and devices, enabling them to focus on unlocking the full potential of their solutions,” he writes.

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