Sep 27 2022
Digital Workspace

What Small Businesses Should Know About Modern Workspace Management

To aid businesses throughout the journey of device lifecycles, CDW helps in many ways with different services.

With hybrid, decentralized and remote work on the rise, it has become paramount that employers have a strategy to equip employees for success regardless of their location. The ability to ship ready-to-use devices, dispose of old devices and ensure the security and privacy of endpoints is vital to getting work done efficiently.

In many cases, IT teams are forced to wear many hats to curtail challenges surrounding workplace management. These challenges can impede workflows and put any organization, especially small businesses, at risk for decreased productivity. CDW’s Modern Workspace Management service can help businesses solve these problems by developing a strategy for lifecycle management of devices such as desktops and laptops.

MWM is CDW’s new approach to delivering endpoint devices as a full solution. Within the MWM framework, CDW can deliver customizable solutions and services that not only solve short-term problems but also set up organizations for long-term success. With this service, SMBs can solve all types of challenges they may face. For example, if a business has a standard image or list of applications for new-user devices, CDW can configure those devices with the images and apps preloaded, so they’re ready to use when the new employees receive them. Some businesses employ MWM to obtain a global remote service desk so they can offload tasks such as password recovery to CDW. By exploring the capabilities within MWM, IT teams can save time and bandwidth, enabling them to focus more on high-value work.

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Modern Workspace Management’s Four Key Pillars

CDW helps organizations engage with MWM through four pillars, strategically mapping CDW’s capabilities to crucial business needs.  Whether an organization is in the planning stages or looking to retire devices, MWM can help deliver customizable solutions and services.

Discover and design: In this pillar, companies can make holistic changes to the way they handle device purchasing. CDW helps IT leaders identify their objectives and map out a path to achieve them. Our experts also can help implement a limited rollout to test how new devices perform within a company’s workflows. Organizations with specific device needs can also customize the device build or configuration with CDW’s help.

Deployment: This pillar helps businesses deploy devices more efficiently while controlling cost, managing risk and prioritizing the user experience. Services within this pillar include imaging, configuration, inventory staging and delivery of devices.

Manage:  In this pillar, CDW helps organizations seamlessly manage devices, enhance their security, organize collaboration and optimize applications. Companies can also add a global support desk and technical support to answer users’ questions and provide quick fixes. 

Refresh and recover: CDW helps businesses properly retire, redeploy, remarket and recycle devices in an environmentally friendly manner. We also can evaluate equipment that may be eligible for buyback. Returned devices receive credit that is added to the organization’s CDW account to be applied to future purchases.   

RELATED: Discover how to equip meeting spaces for hybrid work.

How CDW Can Help With Modern Workspace Management

To develop an MWM plan, organizations work with CDW business development specialists to discuss objectives and decide which MWM capabilities best suit their needs. By offloading duties around MWM, a company can focus on business while CDW covers management responsibilities such as ensuring device security and getting new devices ready to use.

 This article is part of BizTech's AgilITy blog series. Please join the discussion on Twitter by using the #SmallBizIT hashtag.


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