Four Steps to Best Manage Cloud Workspaces
According to TechBeacon, businesses that want to manage cloud environments successfully need to ask themselves four questions:
1. What’s being managed?
Specifically, who owns the workload within the organization? What do the workloads do for the business? When, where and how do the workloads run? Once an organization has answered these questions, leaders will have a better understanding of workload needs.
2. What security and governance is required?
Organizations can leverage new mechanisms, such as identity and access management, to assign identities to data, people, devices and servers, and to configure who can access what and when in the cloud. This is especially important in public cloud, where access control is key to cloud health.
3. How can cloud workload translation help?
Businesses can either learn all of the native interfaces for all public clouds — native application programming interfaces, artificial intelligence — or they can use tools to manage cloud service from a single interface. This unified interface allows for different cloud environments to better communicate with one another.
4. What tools are available?
Selecting tools to help manage workloads can be just as difficult as working without a tool. To simplify this process, answer the following questions: Is the data encrypted? If so, how does that encryption work with performance? How can backup, security and collaboration applications, including Microsoft Office 365, Adobe Creative Cloud and Google’s G Suite apps, help navigate workloads?
Sometimes, there’s not one tool to suit all workloads, which may necessitate the development of custom tools. If those custom tools fail, that workload should be left out of the cloud.