Aug 18 2016

Capital Markets Firms Need to Bolster Cybersecurity to Protect Data [#Infographic]

To meet regulatory compliance demands, financial firms must make sure their IT infrastructure is as secure as possible.

Capital markets firms and other financial houses face a complex balancing act when it comes to cybersecurity. On the one hand, they need to protect proprietary algorithms and data from hackings and theft, and on the other must ensure they are meeting regulatory compliance demands from laws like the Dodd-Frank Act.

The threats are real, and 37 percent of financial services firms reported a double-digit increase in cybersecurity incidents from the year before, according to an April 2016 report from risk technology research firm Chartis. In that kind of environment, with data security a top concern and the overwhelming majority of financial services firms feeling vulnerable to data threats, how can IT help?

Compliance officers are focused on investing in new tools and technology as well as in data analytics and management. Advanced security technology can help protect data and make sure financial firms are following the proper Wall Street regulations. Such tools include tokenization, as well as application encryption, security event and information management systems.

Take a look at the infographic below to see how capital markets firms can use technology to achieve regulatory compliance.

To learn how the right IT solutions and services can help capital markets firms manage a web of compliance regulations, download this CDW white paper, How Technology Helps Capital Markets Firms Meet Regulatory Mandates. And to learn more about CDW’s security solutions, visit


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