Apr 22 2016

How Communications Tools Enhance Productivity

Video, telephony and conferencing tools help users get work done no matter where they are.

The nature of work is changing dramatically across the U.S. Technology has de-emphasized the need to be physically present in an office every day. Whether working onsite or remotely, workers now have the tools to be highly productive. To help with this, users rely on a variety of IT solutions.

Users are employing powerful tools, such as video, telephony and conferencing, to overcome the challenges they face at work. They demand simple, effective solutions that allow them to work anywhere at any time.

1. Users want to get work done no matter where they are, and many spend much or most of their time away from an office.

Source: GlobalWorkplaceAnalytics.com, “Latest Telecommuting Statistics,” January 2016

An even greater number wish they had some level of workplace flexibility. Recent research indicates that 80 percent to 90 percent of the U.S. workforce would like to telework at least part time.

2. The right tools help users do their jobs better.

Source: Polycom, “The Real Benefits of Video,” February 2013

Effective communication tools improve collaboration in a variety of ways. For example, 94 percent of organizations surveyed by Cisco value video as a way to break down language barriers.

3. Overcoming obstacles to that stand in the way of work improves productivity.

Source: Reuters, “U.S. Commuters Spend About 42 Hours a Year Stuck in Traffic Jams,” August 2015

Users with robust communication tools can remain productive, even when trapped in gridlock or at home with a sick child.

4. Different lines of business within an organization can use communication solutions to meet their specific needs.

Source: Forbes Insights, “Boost Innovation Through Video Communications,” October 2014

In addition to human resources, lines of business such as sales and marketing also see advantages from communication solutions that enable them to connect with and better understand customers. The benefits are significant: A recent study found that mobile collaboration users gain 40 minutes per day in productivity.

Learn more about collaboration solutions from CDW.


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