Jan 29 2015

Top 2015 Tech Trends for Credit Unions [#Infographic]

There’s a major focus on mobile and IT investments among credit union executives.

When it comes to incorporating innovation into their organizations, credit unions are willing to put their money where their mouths are. According to an infographic produced by CDW’s FinTalk blog, “33 percent of executives say upgrading and simplifying core technology platforms is the single most important IT investment to improve the customer experience.”

Mobile banking has been a top priority for the past few years and the investments in mobile are starting to mature, with nearly 60 percent of all credit unions surveyed offering mobile banking to its customers. Another 26 percent plan to do so in the next two years, according to the data compiled by FinTalk.

To learn more about the tech trends that are set to impact credit unions the most in 2015, check out the full infographic below.


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