Dec 09 2014

Technology Must Strive to Improve Personal Productivity

Intel looks to make the user experience more efficient by enabling several promising device features.

Bureaucracy, stagnation and inefficiencies are friends to no man, woman or business. Technology, however, holds no process or product sacred and has unleashed efficiencies that help people and companies cut to the chase. To that end, Jason Kennedy, director of marketing for Intel, spoke at CDW’s Future of IT event at the Feinberg Theater in Chicago and laid out the company’s vision of the future and how it will help users cut through the red tape.

“Intel’s goal is to remove the barriers to personal productivity,” he explained. And while the company itself does not make end-user devices, it is Intel’s chip technology (and other manufacturers) that makes possible the latest features on our computing devices and phones. Kennedy touched on the role that Intel’s vPro technology is playing in transforming business users’ experience, with its support of several promising device innovations. “Pro WiDi means wireless docking and charging – no more burdensome wires,” he said.

Other expected short-term innovations made possible by vPro include automated lockdown of devices and the use of facial and voice recognition to unlock devices. vPro will also enable more robust, immersive collaboration through support for multi-screen sharing, presence awareness and meeting-assistant technologies. Lest any IT managers grow concerned over the security implications of all these new device features, Kennedy offered assurances: “This technology will enable the enterprise to exercise control and choice, providing different levels of control based on policy.”

Watch his full speech from the Future of IT event below.


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