5 Reasons DaaS Is Winning Converts
Are you intrigued by Desktop as a Service? You’re not alone: Gartner, IDC and 451 Research all report the technology is beginning to achieve critical mass as organizations migrate desktop PCs to DaaS. Here’s a rundown of the benefits:
Financial: Controls costs by replacing PC hardware expenditures with subscription services, reducing IT deployment and in-house technical support expenses.
Deployment: Allows IT to more quickly provide employees with all necessary rights and resources when setting up new desktops.
Portability: Provides a consistent user experience across multiple computing platforms (desktops, notebooks, smartphones, tablets) while standardizing deployment and support processes.
Security: Enables IT to establish consistent security protocols and enforcement policies across all client-side devices.
Personnel: Reduces support and deployment demands on in-house IT staff and, unlike virtual desktop infrastructure initiatives, doesn’t require training or hiring staff with specialized tech skills.