3 Hybrid Cloud Models Worth Leveraging
To move some applications to the cloud, organizations may be best served by adopting a hybrid model, which combines multiple types of cloud or conventional infrastructure. Hybrid-cloud models include:
Own the base, rent the spike: Under this model, normal day-to-day workloads run on in-house IT infrastructure (which can be either conventional or a private cloud). Off-premises hosted-cloud resources are used only during periods of peak demand to maintain service levels to users.
Cloud as firewall: Under this model, an off-premises cloud environment is used to run customer-facing processes that may support web or mobile applications. Back-end application components such as databases and transaction processing systems remain in-house.
Compliance segmentation: Here, data is split between in-house and off-premises environments. This enables compliance with data-related regulatory mandates, while still allowing the benefits of cloud computing to be applied where appropriate.
Want to learn more? Check out CDW’s white paper, “Migrating Enterprise Applications to the Cloud.”