Mar 14 2014

Dashboard: A Snapshot of Tech Trends and Insights

Take a look at what IT professionals are talking about.

Technology is a field where innovation never stops, but these hot tech trends are the top ones worth following in 2014.

  1. Cybersecurity: High-profile hacks, data breaches and revelations regarding government snooping in 2013 will propel security to the forefront of IT watercooler conversations in 2014.

  2. The Mobile Cloud: Advances in cloud-based data synchronization, storage and processing will mean more reliable, scalable and responsive mobile applications and services.

  3. Big Data Analysis: Businesses will begin leveraging all that data they’ve been collecting and hoarding for the past few years for practical purposes.

  4. Social Business: Companies will further differentiate themselves by improving customer interactions through the adoption of more predictive, collaborative and data-rich social media tools.

  5. Platform as a Service (PaaS): The widespread adoption of cloud services that greatly simplify the scaling up of application and OS deployments will escalate.

  6. Connected/Smart Devices: Public awareness of the growing interconnectedness of machines, humans and the greater technological ecosystem will go mainstream in a big way.

  7. 3D Printing: The technology will become more affordable as it matures and will evolve into an engine of efficiency and cost savings for a number of industries.

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