Jun 26 2012

The Summer Vacation Outlook for Workers [Infographic]

A little rest and relaxation does an employee good. But not every worker will get a break this summer.

Everyone can use a break from the daily grind and hustle of the 9-to-5 world. But whether it’s due to workaholism or tough economic times, there are fewer workers taking vacations this year compared with the past.

According to a CareerBuilder survey, 17 percent of workers have taken or plan to take a vacation for 10 days or more, which is down from 24 percent in 2007. Managers, however, aren’t giving up their days in the sun: 81 percent of managers surveyed by CareerBuilder have taken or plan to take a vacation this year, compared with 65 percent of full-time employees.

Check out the full infographic from CareerBuilder for more information on workers’ summer vacation outlook.

Summer Vacation for workers


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