Apr 16 2012

Your Dream Candidate Is Most Likely Looking for His Dream Job On a Smartphone [Infographic]

More job seekers are turning to mobile devices in their quest for employment.

If you still think mobile devices aren’t productive, would you change your mind if you successfully discovered and applied for your next job on a smartphone?

JIBE, a mobile job search and recruiting company, conducted a study with Kelton Research that found that mobile job seeking is on the rise. According to the study’s findings, 86 percent of smartphone users would use their device to search for a job. Additionally, 47 percent of that group would actually apply to jobs on their mobile devices.

This means that human resource departments need to increasingly take a look at their websites and marketing to make sure they’re not missing out on the perfect candidate. People grow busier by the day, and mobile devices allow users to receive and send information whenever, wherever. Companies that want to reach the best candidate possible should make sure they’re where they need to be as well.

Check out more information in the JIBE infographic.

The Mobile Job Seeker


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