Mar 08 2012

What Can Happen in an Internet Minute? [Infographic]

You might be surprised at the staggering amount of data transferred on the web in 60 seconds.

Few things in technology have been as transformative as the Internet. It has reshaped business and in some cases, made industries redundant. Don’t believe it? Think about what’s happened to neighborhood video rental stores now that we have Netflix and Amazon.

These Internet-based companies deliver streaming content immediately to devices or send DVDs by mail for purchase or rental, to be returned at the viewer’s leisure. The immediacy that these services provide has successfully made the idea of getting into a car and driving to a brick and mortar store to pick up a piece of plastic that you then have to drive back to at a later date to return your rented items seem...well, kind of inconvenient.

Streaming video aside, the Internet has grown massive in the past two decades, now boasting about 2 billion users according to recent estimates. But to get a better understanding of just how big the Internet has become, Intel put together an infographic detailing the amount of data transferred in a minute on the web.

Here are a few highlights from the infographic. In one minute on the Internet:

  • 639,800 gigabytes of global IP data is transferred
  • 135 botnet infections take hold
  • 1,300 new mobile users are added
  • 204 million e-mails are sent
  • 2-plus million searches on Google are conducted
  • 30 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube
  • 227,000 users log in to Facebook

View the infographic in full via CloudTweaks.

What happens in an internet minute?


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