Nov 12 2018

How to Accelerate Digital Transformation

Most organizational leaders acknowledge the importance of digital transformation to their future effectiveness and competitiveness. But many organizations are still in the earliest stages of their digital transformation efforts, and some leaders struggle to even define the term itself.

In practice, it’s typically most helpful for decision-makers to define digital transformation in terms of their own organization’s business goals. By identifying opportunities to create value for customers and employees through investments in new technologies and processes, organizations can demystify the concept and achieve concrete benefits.

Often, it makes sense to pursue low-risk, high-reward successes to demonstrate the value of digital transformation to skeptical stakeholders before attempting to implement an organizationwide strategy. While business goals should be at the center of any digital transformation effort, these initiatives will inevitably require new IT investments, potentially including solutions such as Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and gateways, data analytics, automation and increased mobility. A third-party partner can help organizations to deploy, integrate and manage these new technologies — and provide an objective, external eye to make sure they don’t slide back into business as usual.

To learn more download our white paper "How to Accelerate Digital Transformation."


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