Very few companies can boast about having products deep in the ocean and in outer space. And it’s a good bet that just one of these businesses has been in operation for more than 70 years.
That singular distinction goes to Milwaukee Electronics, a longtime designer and manufacturer of innovative printed circuit board assemblies. Founded in 1954, the company has supplied critical components for everything from undersea cameras to robotic vehicles for exploring
distant planets.
The company’s success, says Justin Moulton, vice president of operations and technology, depends first and foremost on its employees, who work in facilities in the U.S., Mexico and Asia.
It also depends on the quality of the connections those employees rely on. And until recently, consistency was a challenge.
“Randomly, about once a week, one of our three plants would go offline,” Moulton explains. “It had become a normal part of business for an entire facility to be unable to communicate with our other locations or our main data center.”
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