May 24 2022

How a Managed SOC Could Help Make Sense of Your Security

As cybersecurity infrastructures get more complicated, so too will the logging. A managed security operations center could help rein in the complexity.

A lot of small companies are trying to figure out how to scale their businesses, and that can sometimes mean finding budget-friendly ways to consolidate tools.

One prime target for consolidation is cybersecurity. The sizable number of logs that these tools create can become overwhelming over time, as organizations add more solutions for discrete purposes. When your team is using 20 to 30 separate tools to manage all aspects of your business’ security, it can be confusing to dig into the logs to determine what is low-level and what is severe.

It often causes alert fatigue.

Still, while all of these tools are difficult to manage, scaling back might put the business at risk of lower security functionality. 

The solution could be an outsourced security operations center, or managed SOC. This allows these logs to be consolidated into another area, where an expert third party can analyze them and determine the steps needed to maintain an organization’s security posture and remediate any events.

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Whom Does a Managed SOC Suit?

A managed SOC is just one type of managed security setup available to businesses; others include managed firewall and intrusion prevention services, managed security information and event capabilities, and managed endpoint security.

Some of the more common companies in the managed SOC landscape include Arctic Wolf, Rapid 7 and Secureworks.

When using services like these, there can be a natural concern about what you’re giving up by handing over your logs or security mechanisms to an outside party. You might be wondering if the company can manage everything, or if there will be gaps due to incompatibilities between different organizations. The third party may also require additional security tools to help bring everything together in a way it can work with.

Additionally, it is important to understand some of the indicators that a managed SOC makes sense for a given business. Often, they are not well-suited for organizations with immature security infrastructures. If your organization doesn’t already have elements such as email security, endpoint security or firewalls, you’ll likely want to bring those elements in first before you consider a managed SOC.

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But for companies with infrastructure to manage, getting an outside look into areas where remediation might be necessary can prove hugely helpful in detecting risks before they become problems.

In some ways, the need for a managed SOC emerges because your organization is doing a lot of things right from a security standpoint.

Managed SOC Is Only Half the Battle

Investing in a managed SOC can be an effective way to take the security infrastructure you already have and manage it more efficiently with outside help.

That said, purchasing a service like a managed SOC isn’t a magic solution to security issues.

In our era, cyberattacks are a matter of when, not if, and remediation and incident response matter just as much as having someone to keep an eye on the logs.

Working with a partner like CDW Amplified™ Services can help you figure out strategies for incident response, so when something does happen, your company will be prepared. There’s also help available through penetration testing, gap analysis and improved compliance.

No one tool is going to solve all of your security problems, but having all the right elements in place will help position your company to weather the next digital storm — no matter the source.

This article is part of BizTech's AgilITy blog series. Please join the discussion on Twitter by using the #SmallBizIT hashtag.


Getty Images/ Teera Konakan

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