Oct 19 2020
Digital Workspace

What to Expect from Dell Technologies World 2020

From collaboration to security, businesses need to focus on streamlining IT.

IT departments have spent the better part of 2020 growing their environments. The sudden shift to remote work required teams to add new tools for their employees to collaborate or expand the solutions already in place. To get everyone up and running quickly, it was crucial to add these services immediately, with little thought as to how they might interact.

Now, several months later, many organizations are facing an overload of tech. With many businesses planning on keeping work at least partially remote for the foreseeable future, consolidating these tools will be key to keeping productivity on track. 

This is the backdrop for Dell Technologies World 2020, an all-virtual event that will help businesses navigate these new waters. On Oct. 21 and 22, attendees will have access to keynote speakers, breakout sessions and peer networking chats designed to dive deep into current IT trends. 

Here’s what attendees can expect from this year’s event.

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A Focus on IT’s Future

The future of work has been a common theme at industry events this year, and it will be a topic at Dell Technologies World as well. With the most challenging aspects of a major transition to remote work behind them, businesses are now turning their focus to continuity and sustainability, working to find the right methods to support their workers in both remote and hybrid environments. 

As is the case every year, Dell will announce its newest tools and solutions. This will likely include cloud offerings, as more businesses have come to rely on cloud to power their remote work strategies. 

The conference will also examine the simplification of IT. Organizations are looking for ways to manage a growing number of tools, environments and devices as employees remain out of the office. Expect Dell to have announcements in this area as well. 

Technology has always influenced how we imagine the future, but this year has put a spotlight on that relationship. With so little known about the lasting effects of the pandemic on the workplace, businesses are placing a higher value on continuity and agility. Most of the conference’s breakout sessions will be geared toward those priorities, including how businesses can bring employees back to the office safely.

Crafting Strategies That Support Remote Work

Widespread remote work has been the largest disruptor to the workplace in decades. Departments across every part of organizations have had to respond to this seismic shift, and technology has played a huge role in enabling this work.

Now that most businesses have adopted the hardware and communication tools to power basic collaboration between coworkers, attention is turning to protecting the growing number of vulnerabilities in these systems. In a working world where each home office is essentially a new office branch, endpoint security is key. Strategies for creating these defenses will be covered extensively during the conference. 

While some of these future-focused strategies can be applied across industries, some sectors have unique needs that must be addressed. During Dell Technologies World, breakout sessions will be geared toward specific industries — such as financial services, healthcare and government — to explore solutions more deeply.

From streamlining IT to maintaining business stability, Dell Technologies World will be focused on what’s to come in the world of work. Attendees can expect to learn about security strategies, industry-specific solutions and the latest technologies coming from Dell.

Find BizTech's full coverage of the event here.

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