Aligning Your Organization Around Comprehensive Security
Uniting all stakeholders around a common understanding of the threat landscape — as well as the business’s specific needs, goals and challenges — is often the first step to mitigating risk. But even that discussion won’t have much of an impact if an organization still thinks about technology as somehow separate from its other business objectives — or about security as distinct from its overall technology strategy.
A comprehensive security approach envisions cyberdefense as baked into everything the business does and places responsibility for safeguarding systems and data on every stakeholder: employees, managers and leadership up to the highest level. Even vendors play a role.
Of course, the organization’s processes and technologies also come together to ensure the prevention, detection and remediation of threats is as effective as possible, but no security measure exists in a vacuum. From enabling safe access to the tools remote workers need to be productive to preventing the reputational harm that’s caused by a massive breach, comprehensive security drives business value every step of the way. Ensuring IT and business leaders share in that understanding is vital to achieving security buy-in ahead of budget talks.