Dec 30 2015

An Inside Look at Business Delivered as a Service

Cloud-based communication, productivity and data and security solutions help small businesses thrive.

Technology is essential to any successful company, and as many small businesses make their way on the journey to becoming big businesses, they find that optimizing their use of IT can be a major challenge. Many small businesses lack the IT skills and resources needed to take full advantage of technological advances.

The result: IT becomes a burden that slows down operations and chews up valuable resources. Cloud services can help small businesses reach their goals for growing and increasing their profitability, providing the IT capabilities they need in a way that delivers scalability and usability while remaining budget-friendly.

Spanning a number of functional areas, Business Delivered as a Service is an innovative way to deploy cloud solutions for businesses. A trusted partner can aggregate the cloud services that small businesses need, allowing them to focus on their core mission, rather than IT operations.

Inside Business Delivered as a Service

What constitutes Business Delivered as a Service? It consists of a number of discrete, cloud-based solutions spanning three functional areas: communications, productivity and data/security. A breakdown looks like this:

Communications: Digital telephony, video conferencing and web meeting software and services, including whiteboarding, document collaboration and shared workspaces

Productivity: Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and other productivity applications, as well as photo- and media-editing software (file-syncing services enable sharing of digital assets)

Data/Security: Backup services to archive and back up data to the cloud, and cloud software for securing client endpoints

As businesses consider cloud services, they have some good news: Most cloud applications are available for trial, making it possible to test-drive solutions before making a contractual commitment.

For more information on the cloud-based solutions listed above, read the white paper “How Business Delivered as a Service Helps Small Businesses.”


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