Mar 26 2015

Know a Good Financial Services IT Blog? Add It to Our List

We're looking for great voices in the financial services technology blogosphere.

While startups are known for moving at the speed of light, the truth is that when it comes to blazing-fast technology, data in the financial services market can move at an even faster pace.

Banks, credit unions and capital markets are in the midst of an evolution. Branches are figuring out how to transform their in-store experiences with mobile and interactive technologies and capital markets are contending with the always-present need to move data faster and more securely.

In an effort to spotlight technological innovation and insights in the financial services sector, we're taking our popular Must-Read IT Blogs list model and applying it to financial services IT exclusively.

To gather the nominations for the list, we're using, a social media tool for submitting and curating lists. In order to add a blog to the list, you must authenticate with either a Twitter or Facebook login. This will let us know that you're a real person and help cut down on spamming. And if you see a blog that you like on the list, feel free to vote them up. Please note that while the voting might weigh in favor of a blog's inclusion on the final list, it is not guaranteed and ultimate decision on the final blogs rests with the editorial team.

Here are a few nominees we've gathered. Please add to the list and spread the word that we're on the lookout for great financial services IT blogs.

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