Dec 23 2014

CDW's Nathan Coutinho Sees Opportunity on the Digital Horizon

How should organizations and IT professionals adapt to the brave new digital world?

This year's Oscars was host to a major tipping point in digital media: Ellen DeGeneres's celebrity-packed Oscars selife.

That tweet, which went on to break records on Twitter for number of retweets, translated into over $1 billion in marketing for Samsung, which manufactured the device Ellen used to take the selfie, said Nathan Coutinho, CDW senior manager of strategy. The fact of the matter is, more things in life and in business will move at the pace of Ellen's uber popular Oscars selfie.

"Digital is now part of our lifestyle. We don't even really think about it. In fact, a lot of our folks that are our friends and our families that are using these technologies don't think of it as digital. They just expect it to work. We're starting to get used to the fact that everything's automated and that's changing the expectations of everyone," he said.

Coutinho was one of several IT leaders who gathered to discuss the most important and needle-moving technology challenges facing businesses today, as part of CDW’s Bring IT On technology leadership series. He also spoke on the importance of leveraging automation for efficiency, and working in earnest to close the digital divide.

Watch more of Coutinho's Bring IT On talk below.


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