Dec 31 2014

The 10 Most Popular BizTech Stories of 2014

Here's a glance back at the stories our readers viewed and shared the most this year.

In the world of business technology, 2014 was a bit of a whirlwind. The year started off with a lot of focus on the repercussions and ripple effects of the major retailer data breaches that hit Target and other retailers. But the data breaches at the start of the year were just the beginning as things got even more alarming once news of Heartbleed broke.

Beyond the security scares, we saw more good news from the world of sports and technology as the NFL made big strides forward in embracing technology. Several more teams, like the Kansas City Chiefs and the Arizona Cardinals, implemented wireless technology in their stadiums. And the league put tablets front and center with its deal with Microsoft to use Surface tablets on the sidelines.

Without further ado, here are the 10 most popular BizTech stories of 2014:

  1. 5 Power and Cooling Myths You Should Stop Believing
  2. NFL Teams Explore New Helmet-Camera Technology to Improve Gameplay
  3. Arizona Cardinals Enter the Tech Big Leagues
  4. 5 Ways to Boost Performance in Windows 8.1
  5. The New Backup Utility Process in Windows 8.1
  6. Chicago Cubs Prepare for Wrigley Field Renovation
  7. Arizona Cardinals Unveil Plans to Build Most Advanced Stadium Wi-Fi in NFL
  8. Review: Microsoft Surface Pro 3 Delivers on Power and Play
  9. What Can We Learn from a Cyberattack on The Onion?
  10. What Does Wearable Tech Mean for Businesses?

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