Jan 07 2014

Healthcare IT in 2014: More Apps, Cloud and Telemedicine

Survey data shows strong interests in making healthcare information accessible on multiple devices, regardless of location.

Healthcare is on the move and there's no stopping the mobility movement in healthcare IT. According to recent survey data, the electronic health record (EHR) mobile market is set to grow to 500 percent by the end of 2014 and 70 percent of clinicians use their smartphones to research medications at least once a week. Pulling together an assortment of surveys and reports, CDW has compiled these facts along with others to come up with the most important technology trends for healthcare IT in 2014.

In addition to mobile devices and apps, cloud computing is maturing among health organizations as 40 percent of organizations surveyed say they store health information in the cloud. One of the reasons for an increased use of cloud among health IT leaders is a growing confidence in the reliability and security of cloud-based solutions.

In a recent article in Healthcare Informatics, Daniel Morreale, vice president and CIO at Riverside Healthcare System, comments that with encryption and authentication protections in place, he's more than comfortable with using cloud resources. "With that kind of structure before, I have no issues putting everything on the cloud,” he says.

Check out the full infographic from CDW below.

Health IT 2014 trends


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