Aug 08 2013

What to Expect at the 2013 ILTA Educational Conference

IT leaders make sure that what they learn in Vegas…doesn’t stay there.

The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) will be hosting the 36th annual Educational Conference in Las Vegas from August 18 through August 22.

Drawing professionals from law firms and corporate or government legal departments worldwide, the ILTA conference is a valuable resource for cutting-edge products and services that affect the legal industry. The annual conference also provides the opportunity for legal professionals to network with one another and with other prominent IT leaders.

ILTA Goes Mobile and Social

The theme for this year incorporates the notion of a catalyst. The intention is to spark connections within the industry and focus on customization so that every attendee gets the most out of the five-day experience.

First on every attendee’s to-do list should be downloading the mobile application for iOS or Android. The app allows users to create a personal digital agenda, navigate floor maps and take notes on the go. The mobile app also functions like a digital Rolodex for appointment setting and networking opportunities.

Never used a mobile app at ILTA before? Have no fear; organizers included a video demonstration for first-time users. Don’t have an iOS or Android device? BlackBerry and Windows Phone users can access the conference’s mobile web app.

In addition to the mobile app, attendees can plug into the shadow conference on Twitter by using the conference’s Twitter hashtag, #ILTA13, and following the @ILTAConf account for updates on exhibit information and trending topics. To keep in touch with the organization beyond the show, check out the ILTA Twitter account (@ILTANet).

Addicted to Instagram? The opening reception at Caesar’s Garden of the Gods Oasis is the perfect opportunity to apply those cool Instagram filters. Guests should expect spectacular hors d’oeuvres and beverages. This is a great night to get your social on — share, connect and celebrate in style.

Sessions and Can’t Miss Keynotes

Whether you’re interested in the latest e-discovery software or tablet security, the Session Search page is a must-have tool to bookmark. The search function allows attendees to browse through 200 educational sessions by using qualifiers such as topic tags and event type.

The not-to-miss keynote events feature the following speakers:

  • Scott Klososky — Principal, Future Point of View — Twitter @sklososky Klososky is a former CEO of three successful tech startup companies. Known for his unique presentation style, Klososky has spoken at conferences around the world. His concentration is in business process improvements through adaptive technology. Klososky seeks to “translate and bridge technology mind gaps.” His presentation is entitled “Technology, Trends and the Catalytic Impacts on Law Firms.”

  • Rohit Talwar — Fast Future Research — Twitter @fastfuture Considered a “global futurist,” Talwar is an award-winning speaker on global market trends and technology innovation. He has addressed leadership audiences in 40 countries. Talwar’s focus is on scenario planning and strategic consultancy. His clients include 3M, Intel and Pfizer. His presentation is entitled “Law Firm 2020: Emerging Business and Technology Opportunities.”

  • Chris De Santis — Independent Consultant De Santis is an independent consultant with 25 years of experience specializing in the design and delivery of management and organization development interventions. His focus is on workplace generational differences, diversity, executive coaching and the use of instrumentation to enhance performance. His presentation is entitled “The Crucible Experience As a Catalyst for Leading.”

Stay tuned for more updates and videos from the 2013 ILTA conference on BizTech.


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