Jun 25 2013

Seen and Heard at Cisco Live — Day 1

Technologists and engineers catch a glimpse of the "Internet of Everything."

The Cisco Live conference in Orlando, Fla., is offering an unprecedented look into the future. As the Internet of Everything begins to transform everything from vending machines to automobiles, Cisco is leading the charge to connect these "devices."

Engineers took part in training sessions designed to help them conquer the technology needed to power the future. As blogger Mike Campbell put it, the future can be overwhelming.

Cisco Live is pretty amazing. Got here in Orlando early yesterday morning – and was just amazed at the sheer scale of it. It’s easy to get lost – not only physically but mentally and even emotionally as well.

With more than 20,000 attendees and myriad breakout sessions, it's difficult to keep tabs on the talk at Cisco Live. To help, here are some of the best tweets and Vine videos so far.

The Venue



The Technology


The People

#CLUS Marthin De Beer says that video & collaboration are critical for bringing the Internet of Everything to life.

— David Yarashus (@dyarashus) June 24, 2013

Check back for more videos and coverage from Cisco Live 2013.

Chad Berndtson

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