Nov 02 2012

Entrepreneurs Are Weathering the Economic Storm [#Infographic]

The forecast for small businesses is improving, but it’s still not all sunshine.

While the U.S. economy in recent years has fallen on very hard times, many economists see reason for tempered optimism in the coming year. According to the recent Hiscox eDNA small business survey, small business owners are feeling pretty good about the coming year but still feel trepidation regarding revenue growth, small business taxes and funding.

The survey results showed that 79 percent of small businesses experienced less than 10 percent revenue growth in the past year, and 61 percent of respondents felt that business taxation worked against small businesses. Despite that, though, 55 percent said they felt optimistic about 2013.

Small business owners are feeling energized and are ready to get to work in the new year, with 44 percent saying they are more determined than ever to succeed. Moreover, 38 percent claimed that the weakened economy had forced them to adapt and work more efficiently.

Check out this infographic for a more in depth look at the results from the eDNA survey:

Hiscox small business survey


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