Oct 09 2012

Want a Job? Hone Your IT Networking Skills [Infographic]

IT networking professionals are a hot commodity in today’s workforce — and tomorrow’s.

Listening to the horror stories of over-educated and underemployed job applicants, it’s easy to think the economic downturn will never end.

Thankfully, in our world of exponentially growing Internet technologies, there’s a silver lining in the form of expanding demand for IT networking professionals. Cisco Systems details this demand in a new infographic.

According to Cisco, networking is eyeing second place on the list of fastest-growing occupations in the U.S. With tablets and smartphones boasting a compound annual growth rate of 129 percent and 119 percent, respectively, it’s no wonder CIOs are actively looking to fill positions in IT networking.

But you have to have the skills to pay the bills — sixty-four percent of CIOs want applicants with training in network administration.

Among IT’s most wanted: network and computer systems administrators, web developers and information security analysts. But if none of those positions appeal to you, don’t worry — 234,700 new positions will be added by 2018.

Take a look at the full infographic below to learn why it pays to be an IT networking professional.

Demand for IT Networking professionals


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